Valentine’s Day Cupcakes

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Hello everybody!

I know…I do not post very frequently and I’m sorry for that. Although I love to write it is somehow really hard for me to find topics to write about…
Maybe I should jump into this whole “28 days blog post challenge”, too.
I’ll think about it for today!

Anyways- back to our main topic for today: Cupcakes! Yummmm.
I’m not a very passionate baker but since discovering Pinterest I’ve come across so many delicious recipes and pictures….so it wasn’t really a choice. I HAD to get into baking!
And what’s better than cute pink cupcakes for Valentine’s Day?

I found the recipe on Pinterest and this blog and i absolutely loved it!

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They were really easy to make, nice and creamy! Wanna see the recipe?

Lemon-Cupcakes with a raspberry-butter creme

(I got 24 muffins out of the dough and the creme was more than enough!)

for the dough:

250 grams flour
3 tea spoons baking powder
125 grams brown sugar
3 medium sized eggs
1/4 litres milk
75 ml sunflower oil
1 table spoon of lemon juice
lemon zest of one lemon (attrited)

for the frosting:

200 grams raspberry jelly
500 grams smooth butter
200 grams powdered sugar

Preheat the oven to 175°C.

First, mix together the sugar,baking powder, salt, flour and lemon zest. In another bowl, mix the milk, lemon juice and the eggs.
Put the two mixtures together and quickly mix them.
Fill the dough into some muffin trays and put them in the oven for about 20 minutes!

For the frosting just froth up (is that right? can I say that in english??) the butter and powdered sugar until it’s all white and creamy! (The butter has to be REALLY smooth so make sure you put it out of the fridge early enough!)
Then mix it together with the raspberry jelly!

Wait until the muffins have cooled down and decorate them with the frosting!


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I asked my parents to rate them on a scale from 1 to 10 and they gave them a 7-8.
Not because they didn’t taste good but because of the frosting. My mum said that it was too oily. So if you want a less oily frosting, you may try a cream cheese based frosting!
At least that’s what I’ll do next time.
All in all these cupcakes look good, taste good and are easy to make, so you should definetely try them some time (maybe for your bae?).

If you liked this post I’d love to hear from you in the comments!
